Asked by: Armand Eguino
Asked in category: science, physics
Last Updated: 1st Jul 2024

Is it possible to reduce a ratio variable to an ordinal?

It is possible to reduce any variable to a lower state. A ratio or interval variable can be coded to an ordinal variables; an ordinal varible can also be analysed the same way as a categorical.

This begs the question: Can an ordinal variable be continuous?

Sometimes, the data measurement scale is ordinal but the variable is continuous. A Likert scale with five values, such as strongly agree, strongly disagree, strongly disagree, neither agree nor disapprove, disagree and disagree, is ordinal.

Also, is it possible to convert ordinal data into inter-data? The most common type of data encountered in the social sciences is ordinal data. These data can easily be processed using a variety of statistical methods. One method is to assign scores and convert the data into interval data. Then, you can perform statistical analysis.

Also, do ordinal variables work in regression?

Linear regression requires predictors to be either continuous or binary. Ordinal variables can often be inserted using a dummy code scheme. This is equivalent of conducting an ANOVA. The intercept will represent the baseline ordinal level.

Is it possible to average ordinal data?

You will often come to similar conclusions regardless of whether you use median, mode, or mean. It's fine to use the mean of ordinal information; however, it is important not to make interval statements or ratio statements about your data. Researchers who have a more relaxed approach to averaging ordinal datasets would not agree with this practice.