Asked by: Oana Boselli
Asked in category: events and attractions, funeral
Last Updated: 7th May 2024

Is it possible to predict when a person will die?

It is nearly impossible to predict the exact date and time a person will pass away. Regardless of the cause, death is likely to bring about similar symptoms and emotional changes.

This being said, how does one feel about the prospect of dying?

A dying person might feel weak and fall asleep a lot. You might experience changes in your breathing, bladder control, and unconsciousness when death is near. These physical changes can be very distressing for an emotional person.

You may also wonder what happens to you if your death suddenly occurs. A sudden cardiac death (myocardial Infarction) is the leading cause in young adults and people over 35 years old. This occurs when a blood clot blocks blood flow to the affected area of the heart. This can lead to potentially fatal cardiac arrhythmias.

What happens before death?

People's breathing may become abnormally shallow or deep in the final days or hours before their death. Some people experience a "death rattle" in their breathing at the end. The person cannot cough up or swallow the secretions that have built up in their throat and chest.

Is death peaceful or painful?

Near-death experiences can be overwhelmingly peaceful. Although near-death experiences can be rare, they are often overwhelmingly peaceful.