Asked by: Nemesis Redondo
Asked in category: medical health, dental health, medical health, dental health
Last Updated: 8th May 2024

Is it normal to have a line on your tongue?

It's unlikely that you should be concerned if your tongue has fissures. Some types of cracks or grooves can be considered a variation on and a normal tongue . This condition is sometimes called a scrotal or plicated tongue . It is usually harmless. It's not a good idea to diagnose your own condition.

What does it mean to have a line on your tongue, also?

About 5 percent of Americans have fissured tongues. Fissured tongue can be present at birth or develop in childhood. It is not known what causes the fissured tongue. It may be associated with malnutrition or Down syndrome.

Also, learn how to get rid of a fissured mouth. There is no treatment other than good oral hygiene. Brush the top of your tongue to remove food debris from the fissures. The tongue should be cleaned to prevent irritation and bad breath from possible food particles getting stuck in the grooves.

What does a fissured mouth look like?

Fissured tongue refers to a condition where one or more grooves are visible on the tongue's surface. The middle of the mouth is where the primary fissure is. Sometimes, the fissures can be large and deep. This makes the tongue appear like it is divided. You may notice a crack in the tongue.

What does a normal tongue look underneath?

It's important to understand what is normal for a tongue. A healthy tongue will be pink, but it may still differ in light and dark shades. Your tongue has small nodules at the top and bottom. These are called papillae.