Asked by: Bubacarr Sanchez De Rojas
Asked in category: technology and computing, web design and html
Last Updated: 19th May 2024

What is $stateProvider?

$stateProvider can be used to delineate different states on a single route. Without having to use a direct route href, you can give the state a name and a different controller.

AngularJS UI Router:

The AngularUI team has created the UI-Router, a routing framework that works with AngularJS. This is a different approach to ngRoute because it alters your application views based upon the state of the application, not just the route URL.

Also, find out what the difference is between routeProvider AngularJS and stateProvider. $stateProvider. $stateProvider. $ stateProvider lets us give names to routes. With a name, we can create duplicate routes with another name, assign different controllers, view, and so on.

Simply put, what exactly is UI sref?

A ui-sref, a directive behaves in the same way as an html href. It refers to a state, instead of a URL like an href. Based on the url of your state, the ui-sref directive creates an attribute automatically.

What is deep linking in AngularJS and how does it work?

Deep linking refers to the use of a URL that will direct you to a specific page (content), without having to navigate the application's home page. This helps to index the links so they can be searched easily by search engines such as Google, Yahoo!.