Asked by: Xuehong Candil
Asked in category: hobbies and interests, painting
Last Updated: 20th May 2024

How long does it take Benjamin Moore exterior paint to dry?

30 days

How long should exterior paint dry?

4 hours

Second, how long does Benjamin Moore paint take to dry? It takes between 4 and 6 hours for the paint to dry, and 16 hours for re-coating. The dry times can be affected by temperature and humidity. I recommend waiting at least 24 hours between coats, and sometimes even 2-3 days if possible.

This is how exterior paint can be dried faster.

How to get spray paint to dry quickly:

  1. Use a thin coat. Paint application's golden rule is that a thinner coat will dry faster.
  2. Keep a fan on. Quick dry spray painting is possible only if there is adequate ventilation.
  3. Place a heater close to the object.
  4. Reduce humidity.

What time does it take for Aura Paint to dry?

A good acrylic should cure within 7 days. The paint with more colorant will take longer to cure. Aura is not something I have used. It uses a different tinting system.