Asked by: Alyson Lapido
Asked in category: medical health, digestive disorders
Last Updated: 20th May 2024

How do essential oils help digestion?

Like it's relative ginger, cardamom essential oil helps regulate digestion. Its antispasmodic, anti-inflammatory and soothing properties have been used for years to ease cramping. This oil's stomachic properties ensure healthy functioning of the stomach's gastric juices.

This is how to use digestive essential oils.


  1. To take internally, add a few drops of water. *
  2. For a calm aroma, rub the oil on your stomach before you fly or take a road trip.
  3. DigestZen can be taken internally while traveling, or when you try new foods that may cause occasional stomach upsets. *
  4. To maintain a healthy digestive tract, add to water or tea. *

Also, does frankincense aid digestion? It aids digestion: The consumption of frankincense oil can help to detoxify the intestinal tract and produce bowel movements. It may also reduce nausea caused by PMS and other symptoms. It is essential to use frankincense oil at 100% purity and to dilute it before you start using it.

This begs the question: What essential oil is good to stomach gas?

These are the most recommended oils:

  • Peppermint: To relieve abdominal spasms and pain,
  • Ginger is recommended for gas relief.
  • Fennel: Recommended to aid constipation.
  • Lemon is recommended for heartburn.
  • Oregano is recommended for its antibacterial and gut bacteria effects.

Does lemon oil help digestion?

Lemon oil. Lemon essential oil contains strong antioxidants that can improve digestion while simultaneously reducing inflammation. These factors can help to reduce constipation and speed up digestion.