Asked by: Nermine Sagues
Asked in category: style and fashion, deodorant and antiperspirant
Last Updated: 28th Jun 2024

Is blue chamomile the exact same as German?

German chamomile (Matricaria Chamomilla) is a member of the Compositae family. It is one of two chamomile varieties that can be used medicinally. The Roman or English chamomile (Chamaemelum nubile) is the other.

Similar to the Roman chamomile, is German chamomile identical?

A true chamomilea plant is also known as English or Roman chamomile. They share many similarities, and can often be confused. Both plants contain the essential oil Chamazulene. German Chamomile has a higher concentration. Both herbs bear a sweet, apple-like scent.

Is blue tansy also called chamomile or chamomile? Blue tansy (Tanacetum Annuum), also known as blue Moroccan Chamomile, is not to be mistaken with Moroccan chamomile. Its other synonym, Moroccan Tansy, is a result of its origin in Morocco.

What is blue chamomile, other than this?

Blue Chamomile essential oils contain a high amount of azulene. This is the active organic compound in chamomile that gives it its blue color. This oil can be used as an ingredient in skin care products. Blue chamomile comes from the German Chamomile plant. This is an upright-growing annual.

What purpose is German chamomile?

German chamomile is used to treat diarrhea, indigestion (dyspepsia), anxiety and excessive crying in infants. German chamomile can also be used for migraines, insomnia, mouth sores and hemorhoids. However, there is not enough scientific evidence to support this use.