Asked by: Arlena Cardon
Asked in category: family and relationships, pregnancy
Last Updated: 30th Apr 2024

How long can you take prenatal vitamins?

This is helpful.

Some people also wonder if it is okay to take prenatal vitamins even if you're not pregnant.

Prenatal vitamins may seem tempting because they are claimed to increase hair thickness and strengthen nails. If you are not pregnant or planning to become pregnant, taking high amounts of certain nutrients for a prolonged period of time could prove more dangerous than beneficial.

What happens if I don't take prenatal vitamins prior to pregnancy? You don't have to worry if prenatal vitamins weren't taken before you became pregnant. Women who have not taken prenatal vitamins in the past have had healthy babies. Start taking them as soon as you find out that you are pregnant . Ask your doctor for the best prenatal vitamin for you if you become pregnant.

Second, what happens to prenatal vitamins if you do not take them?

Prenatal vitamins can cause nausea and vomiting in women who are in their first trimester. Some women avoid taking it if they are experiencing morning sickness. That's fine. We advise them to stop taking it when they feel sick.

Are Prenatals a fertile treatment?

Prenatal vitamins are perfectly safe for those who don't want to conceive. It won't support fertility but it will replenish the body's folic acid and iron as well as vitamin D and calcium. This will help you stay strong and prevent any potential health problems in an unplanned pregnancy.