Asked by: Marena Maestrojuan
Asked in category: home and garden, interior decorating
Last Updated: 1st May 2024

How can you make curtains from small windows?


What curtains should you use for small windows?

Limit Your Options Traditional curtains are best for smaller windows. Medium-weight fabrics work well with them. To determine the way the fabric filters light and how it will enhance the window's appearance, even though it is small in size, look at it directly in front of it.

Also, find out what you can do instead of curtains. 8 Great Alternatives for Window Curtains

  • Shutters. Blinds or shutters are the best option to curtains in your home.
  • Rolling Screens.
  • Stained Glass
  • Install shelves around your windows.
  • Wood Panelling.
  • Dotted Shades.
  • Frosting Spray
  • Use artwork.

You should also know that you can put long curtains on short windows.

A long drape can be hung on a small window to enhance its importance and make it more proportional to the rest of the room. The mood and function of your room will determine the length and style of your drapes.

Are curtains allowed to touch the floor?

1. The Slight Float is less than an inch higher than the floor. If your curtains want to be hung straight, then the float may be the best choice. It barely touches the floor.