Asked by: Antal Holzman
Asked in category: education, special education
Last Updated: 4th Jul 2024

How can you analyze evidence of handwriting?

Analysis of Handwriting. Handwriting Analysis is part of the questioned document section of forensic science. Expert questioned documents examiners, or QDEs, will inspect these documents. If there is an original handwritten sample, QDEs will examine the documents for forgeries or alterations.

What type of evidence is handwriting analysis, and what are its implications?

Some experts believe handwriting analyses can be used as evidence. Others, however, consider it to be a junk science and an abomination.

What are the basic steps of handwriting analysis? Analyzing a handwriting sample requires three steps. The first step is to examine the document and any standards (exemplars). Next, detectable characteristics are recorded. A suspect author may need to provide a sample of the standard for investigators.

How do you analyse your handwriting?


  1. Do not take graphology too seriously.
  2. Take a good sample.
  3. Take a look at the pressure on the strokes.
  4. Pay attention to the angle of the strokes.
  5. Take a look at the baseline.
  6. Take a look at the letter size.
  7. Compare the spacing between words and letters.
  8. You can see how the writer assembles letters.

How accurate can forensic handwriting analysis be?

Laypeople are six times more likely to misidentify the distinctive features that point to a specific writer than professional document inspectors. In 2001, he found that professional examiners had an error rate of 0.49% in incorrectly identifying handwriting while the error rate for laypersons was 6.7%.