Asked by: Latinka Hansgen
Asked in category: business and finance, large business
Last Updated: 29th Jun 2024

Frontier Communications: How can I make a complaint?

Frontier Communications complaints contacts
  1. Contact Customer Care at 1 (800) 921-8101
  2. Technical Support at 1 (800) 921 8104
  3. Tweet Frontier Communications Customer Care.
  4. Tweet Frontier Communications.
  5. Follow Frontier Communications.
  6. Watch Frontier Communications.
  7. Follow Frontier Communications.

How can I also file a complaint against Frontier Communications

You can complain to the Florida Attorney General's Office if you have a Frontier customer who is experiencing issues. Visit, or call (866) 9NOSCAM. Frontier Executives met with Attorney General Bondi last week, and they have now agreed to make several improvements to their services.

Can I also sue Frontier Communications? Frontier Communications contracts say that you cannot sue Frontier in any other court than Small Claims Court. Although it can be time-consuming and complicated, suing Frontier in small claims court will usually get you the results you desire.

What agency also regulates Frontier Communications?

Federal Communications Commission (FCC)

Are Frontier Communications' services any good?

Frontier offers a number of benefits, including no data caps and a 2-year price lock guarantee. Frontier's fiber plans are impressive, but you won't find broadband options if you live in rural areas.