Asked by: Tami Fereday
Asked in category: pop culture, celebrity families
Last Updated: 30th Apr 2024

Did they really sing in the Temptations movie?

2. Did other actors from "The Temptations" do their own singing? Christian Payton, who was playing Paul Williams, did his own singing . DB Woodside, Melvin Franklin's vocalist, layered the majority of his vocals.

Is there a movie that depicts the temptations?

Movie Info: This miniseries on biographical TV follows the rise and fall of The Temptations in a 40-year timeline.

The same goes for Paul, the character in the Temptations movie. Christian Payton

Who sang in the Temptations?

The lineup of the group has changed over the years. The Temptations were at their best in the 1960's and 70's during the 'Classic Five' period. The Classic Five era included Otis Williams and Paul Williams, Eddie Kendricks and Melvin Franklin, as well as David Ruffin.

Leon can Leon sing?

Leon did not however provide the voice for David Ruffin. Louis Price, a former member and singer of the Temptations, performed his singing. Leon's singing voice is only heard in the scene when Otis and Melvin go to David's apartment, warning him.