Asked by: Tudorita Lenchitzky
Asked in category: news and politics, weather
Last Updated: 4th Jul 2024

Can lightning strike on a clear day, or is it impossible?

Yes, lightning can strike on sunny days. If lightning is caused by clouds, there must be warm, humid air close to the ground. This will allow the heat to travel up into the cooler atmosphere.

Can lightning be seen during the day?

As explained in the other answers, lightning does happen during the day. It is possible to see lightning in the day. If it's too far away, you won't hear any. These lightning bolts were all photographed in the early to mid afternoon. Because it was cloudy, the skies look kind of dark.

Can lightning occur without clouds? They are also known as dirty thunderstorms and occur due to the same principle as regular lightning. Lightning has a bright beam and can travel a long distance, so you can see them even from places where there aren't clouds . Lightning cannot be created without clouds in any way.

It is also important to understand if lightning can strike from a clear night.

Dry lightning is lightning that happens without rain. These lightning flashes can travel over 25 miles from the thundercloud. These flashes can be dangerous as they seem to originate from clear skies.

Does lightning strike randomly?

Although it seems random that a lightning bolt would strike a person directly, the majority of people who were injured or hurt weren't directly struck by it. Lightning can strike a nearby object, or it can cause lightning to strike a person through conduction or ground current.