Asked by: Ghulam Costoso
Asked in category: personal finance, student financial aid, personal finance, student financial aid
Last Updated: 30th Apr 2024

Are veterans allowed to use the commissary in 2020

The fiscal 2019 National Defense Authorization Act increased the eligibility pool for exchange, commissary shoppers. It now includes all service-connected veterans, Purple Heart recipients and former prisoners of war, as well as primary caregivers. The Exchange is the base's department store.

Can veterans also use the commissary?

Yes. Yes. Veterans who have a Department of Veterans Affairs (VA), documented service-connected disability rating can shop the commissary.

Can I use my VA card for base access? VHICs are used by veterans to identify themselves and check in at VA appointments. However, they can also be used for base access under this program. The Veteran's eligibility status must be displayed on the card (e.g., PURPLE HEARTY, FORMER POW, or SERVICE CONNECTED).

This being said, who are the eligible veterans for a commissary?

All service-connected disabled Veterans and Purple Heart recipients (POW) as of January 1, 2020, can present their VHIC for entry to.

Can disabled veterans get commissary privileges?

Veterans with documented service-connected disability ratings from the Department of Veterans Affairs (VA), will be eligible to receive DoD and Coast Guard commissary and exchange privileges starting January 1, 2020 under the Purple Heart and Disabled Veterans Equality Access Act of 2018.