Asked by: Estiben Lutzenkirchen
Asked in category: religion and spirituality, christianity
Last Updated: 30th Apr 2024

Are religious confessions admissible as evidence?

New York state law says that confessions and confidences given to clergymen or ministers are protected and cannot be used to support evidence. This privilege does not apply to communications with particular priests or congregants, nor is it limited to confessions made "under the cloak" of confession.

Many people also wonder if religious confessions are admissible in court.

A pastor is generally exempted from the requirement to testify in court or to law enforcement about matters discussed in confessions. However, court can challenge the so-called priest penitent privilege. The limits of the privilege to confess in church are revealed by cases challenging it.

Second, can a priest tell you if someone has killed you? The priest will not tell anyone if you confessed to the priest that someone had killed you. This is a very important point for the Catholic church. There is no exception.

People often ask if a priest can give confessions to the police.

Yes, priests can't tell anyone about confessions they have heard. Yes, it is against Catholic faith. The priest can only require penitents to surrender to authorities. If the penitent refuses, he/she may withhold absolution. The Sacramental Seal of Inviolability is not available.

Is confession always kept secret?

However, the Supreme Court of the State ruled in 2016 that any communication to a priest in private in the sacrament confession for the purpose confession, repentance or absolution is confidential.