Asked by: Yohandra Sagdo
Asked in category: religion and spirituality, atheism
Last Updated: 2nd Jul 2024

Winston thinks it would be a good idea to rent the room of Mr Charrington.

Winston considers renting the room above Mr Charrington’s shop in 1984 because of the difficulties he and Julia have trying to establish a relationship. These feelings are a result the Party's control of the intimate lives its members.

It is also worth knowing why Winston would consider renting the room of Mr Charrington.

Winston considers renting the room above Mr Charrington’s shop in 1984 because of the difficulties he and Julia have trying to establish a relationship. These feelings are a result the Party's control of its members' intimate lives.

Another question that might be asked is "What does the room above Mr Charrington's shop represent?" Thesis: George Orwell used the room above Mr. Charrington's shop in 1984. Charrington's shop is to represent privacy from the Party. Topic Sentence 1 - The room Winston and Julia spend their time in symbolizes privacy. They are constantly monitored by telescreens, so they don't have privacy.

The same question may be asked: Why did Winston rent this room?

Winston rents the room as he needs a place to rest and escape from the Party's eyes. He believes that the shop will provide him with such a place. The room is also a source of nostalgia for him.

Who rents a Winston room?

Mr. Mr. Charrington also rents Winston a room in which Winston, Julia and the bulk of their sexual relationships. Two thirds of the book, Winston and the reader discover that Mr.