Asked by: Heraclides Henschen
Asked in category: music and audio, jazz
Last Updated: 6th May 2024

Why was there a Jazz Age?

Because jazz music was at its peak and became immensely popular in the 1920s, it is known as the Jazz Age. It was the 'golden era' of this genre. Jazz was the music for the younger generation. It was quick, highly syncopated and often improvised.

This is why the Jazz Age was created.

The Jazz Age was an American cultural movement and period that occurred in the 1920s. It saw the rise of new styles of music, and dance. Jazz quickly spread to America's middle class, largely due to African Americans using new musical techniques and traditional African traditions.

Also, when did jazz age begin? 1918

Second, what happened to the Jazz Age?

The Jazz Age is an era of American history that began with the end WW1 and ended with 1929's Great Depression. It was a time when jazz music, modern ideas and dance were popular.

What did the Jazz Age do for society?

Society was influenced positively by the Jazz age. They began to think differently about the war. It brought people together, especially racial group.