Asked by: Uzma Abardia
Asked in category: home and garden, home appliances
Last Updated: 19th May 2024

Where is the defrost drain on a Hotpoint refrigerator?

The hex head screws are located in the back wall, on either side of the fan opening, and in the top corners. To remove the screws, use a nut driver. To expose the drain line at the bottom of your freezer below the coils, pull the rear wall out from the freezer.

Keep this in mind: Where is the fridge's defrost drain?

The freezer's back wall has a drain hole for defrosting. It is located just above the point where the floor slopes upwards to the back. Screw holds the plastic panel in place. The drain hole can be seen if you remove the screw and the panel.

You may also wonder where the drain is on the Whirlpool refrigerator. The defrost drain is located inside your freezer and refrigerator compartments. It is usually near the back wall. This is the defrost drainage, which drains water and ice from the walls of your refrigerator or freezer to the drain pan at the bottom.

Also, where can I find the drain for a Frigidaire side-by side refrigerator?

Frigidaire Drain Location: The drain opening on Frigidaire models is usually located directly below the evaporative cells. You can access it from the back. Do not forget to unplug your refrigerator. Then, unscrew the back panel and reveal the coils.

How can you unclog your freezer drain?

Clearing the drain prevents water buildup inside the unit, allowing it to dribble onto the floor.

  1. Unplug the fridge/freezer unit.
  2. You should remove any food items or obstructions, such as a sliding drawer, which may be obstructing your drain hole.
  3. Use a screwdriver to remove ice from drain holes.