Asked by: Greg Yturen
Asked in category: medical health, ear nose and throat conditions
Last Updated: 19th May 2024

Is the skull home to sinuses?

The sinuses are the air spaces between your skull and facial bones. They make up the upper portion of your respiratory tract, which runs from your nose to your throat. Your sinuses can be found in your forehead (frontal sinuses), behind your nose (ethmoid, sphenoid sinuses), or inside your cheekbones and jawbones (maxillary and maxillary sinuses).

It is also important to find out if there are sinus cavities in the skull.

The sinuses are hollow spaces between the skull and your face bones. There are four pairs sinuses. They are named after the bones they are found in. The maxillary Sinuses are on either side of your nose near the cheekbones. The sphenoid sinuses can be found behind your eyes, further into your skull.

The next question is: What is in your sinuses? The sinuses are also known as paranasal or nasal sinuses. They are air-filled spaces in the facial bones that surround the nose. The ethmoid and frontal sinuses are located around the eyes. The sinuses surround the nose. Each sinus has an opening called the ostiumathat connects to the nose.

Do you also have sinuses at the back of your skull?

Sinus pressure is caused by blocked nasal passages. If your sinuses are blocked, you might experience pain and inflammation in your nose , head and face. The sinuses are paired in pairs and can be found in four areas: the sphenoid, behind the eyes, along the back of the head, and in the sphenoid.

What's the purpose of the sinuses in the skull

Although the sinuses can lighten our skulls or improve our voices they are primarily responsible for producing a mucus layer that moisturizes the insides of the nose. The mucus protects the nose against pollutants, micro-organisms and dirt.