Asked by: Luanna Jungesbluth
Asked in category: family and relationships, adoption and fostering
Last Updated: 19th May 2024

What is considered a safe place for babies?

Safe-haven statutes (also called "Baby Moses laws" in some states, in reference to the biblical scripture) in the United States decriminalize leaving unharmed infants with statutorily defined private persons, so that the child becomes an ward of state.

What is Safe Haven?

The Safe Haven Law, also known by the Baby Moses law and a safe yield law, allows parents to give their child to someone at a specified location without fear of being arrested for abandonment.

Also, find out what the safe haven age limit is. While most states restrict the age at which infants can be placed in designated safe havens to those who are less than 72 hours of age, some states will accept infants as young as one month.

Hence, where can safe havens be found for babies?

Safe Haven laws provide protection for babies and those who are reclaiming them. A parent can drop an unharmed newborn off at a designated Safe Haven place and hand the child to anyone. This parent is free to go. The laws vary from one state to the next.

Is it legal for a baby to be dropped off at a fire station?

You must drop your child off at a hospital, police station, or fire station in order to comply with the Safe Haven Law. Parents have 30 days to return their child to the state if they change their mind after dropping off their infant.