Asked by: Rufino XXXVI
Asked in category: news and politics, weather
Last Updated: 19th May 2024

Why does chlorophyll not absorb green?

Photosynthesis is the process that produces oxygen. This oxygen is then released into the atmosphere by the plant. Chlorophyll gives plants green colors because it doesn't absorb green wavelengths. This particular wavelength of light is reflected by the plant and makes it appear green.

Therefore, chlorophyll does not reflect green light.

The pigment chlorophyll is what makes green plants. Chlorophyll is able to absorb certain wavelengths within the visible Light spectrum. The plant appears green because the light is reflected and not absorbed.

Also, learn why chlorophyll absorbs red light. Photosynthesis is a key function of chlorophyll. It absorbs both blue and red light. Red wavelengths have a lower energy and can only increase the electron's energy to a lower level than blue Light. This stable excitation is responsible for the red absorption peak.

Is chlorophyll also required to be green?

The pigment molecule chlorophyll is found in all photosynthesizing plants. This molecule absorbs the most energy from the reddish-orange and violet-blue parts of the light spectrum. It doesn't absorb green so it's reflected back at our eyes, and we see the leaf green.

Why is it a benefit for plants to have green leaves?

A plant that is GREEN has the adaptive advantage of absorbing light energy, photons or light when it shines on its green parts (such as the stems and leaves). Green plants are essential for converting sunlight into food.