Asked by: Zheng Koemans
Asked in category: religion and spirituality, christianity, religion and spirituality, christianity
Last Updated: 2nd Jul 2024

Why are the German Peasants the cruelest to the Russian prisoners?

Why is it that the Russian prisoners are most cruel to the German peasants, who eat their food in front the starving men? Because they are at the bottom, the peasants can look down on the Russians so they finally get the chance to do the exact same.

What do Himmelstoss, Kantorek and other similarities have they got in this regard?

Kantorek takes the boys into danger. Kat is trustworthy and wise, and teaches the boys how they can survive.

What is the sole purpose Paul has set for himself in order to survive after the annihilation all human feelings? This is a task that will make his life afterward worth these horrible years. Quotation: "My heart beats quick: This is the aim, great, and sole aim that I have considered in the trenches; this is a task which will make life afterward worthy for these hideous years." (194)

Therefore, do you think Paul regrets returning home from leave?

Why is it that the Russian prisoners find the German peasants most cruel, while they eat their food in front the starving men? Because the peasants can look down on the Russians because they were in the bottom, so that they finally get a chance to do the exact same.

What can you learn from flashbacks about Paul and his friends' revenge on Himmelstosss?

Paul and his friends took revenge upon Himmelstoss, beating him. They threw a blanket on him, and then took all of his clothes off him.