Asked by: Wasif Mitre
Asked in category: books and literature, poetry
Last Updated: 4th Jul 2024

Are there any examples of allusions in Fahrenheit 451?

Mythological Allusions
A silly bird known as a Phoenix existed before Christ. Every few hundred years, he would build a pyre to burn himself up. He was probably the first cousin of Man. He must have been Man's first cousin.

Afterwards, you might also wonder, "What is an example of alusion in Fahrenheit 451?"

Ray Bradbury made great use of allusions in Fahrenheit 451. The volcano Vesuvius can be cited in one line. In 79 A.D., Mount Vesuvius erupted and destroyed Pompeii and all its inhabitants.

What are some metaphors in Fahrenheit 451? There are many metaphors in Fahrenheit 451. These include comparing society with a cave (34), comparing a burning book with butterflies (34), and a cold expression to an "mask made of ice (17).

You may also wonder, "What is an example for an allusion?"

Ato allude is the verb form for aallusiona. A allusion is referring to something. Example: You act like a Scrooge! This line is a reference to Dickens's A Christmas Carol. It means that the person is being selfish and miserly, much like Scrooge in the story.

Which literary devices are used by Fahrenheit 451?

Literary Devices in Fahrenheit 451

  • Situational irony.
  • Like Montag's society, jet bombers fly through the skies like Montag.
  • Simile.
  • He is ashamed of Faber's guilt and covers his face.
  • The helmet of the fireman bears the symbolic number 451