Asked by: Eszter Ritzenhofer
Asked in category: movies, fantasy movies, movies, fantasy movies
Last Updated: 5th May 2024

Is Regal unlimited per person?

According to Regal's website, the Regal Unlimited subscription allows users to see as many movies at Regal theaters as they wish. Users will need to pay a monthly or annual fee. Depending on where you live, Regal Unlimited plans cost between $18 and $23.50 per monthly.

You may also ask: Does Regal unlimited have a family plan?

You can add up to five Regal Unlimited subscribers to your friend's mailing list. If a friend or family member is added to a Regal Unlimited subscription tier, the Regal Unlimited subscriber who is booking the tickets will be responsible.

Also, learn how to get unlimited Regal tickets How to Join

  1. Get the Regal App for free.
  2. Follow the steps by clicking on any Regal UnlimitedaC/ banner.
  3. You can pay in full or month-to-month by debit or credit cards.

This being said, is the Regal unlimited really worth it?

Regal's new subscription plan might be a good deal if you frequent the cinemas a lot. However, the 12-month commitment and $200 per year cost make it difficult to know if you will actually use it.

What is the cost of a regal unlimited pass for a person?

Plans starting at $18 a month, the Regal Unlimited movie subscription passes lets you awatch as many movies and as many times you like, whenever you wish, wherever you are.