Asked by: Shyam Monteiro
Asked in category: books and literature, travel books
Last Updated: 4th Jul 2024

What is the setting of in another country?

Setting. The short story "Another Countrya" by Ernest Hemingway was published in 1926. It is set in Milan in Italy during World War I. (Hemingway was a soldier in World War I).

The same goes for the story set in another country.


What is the significance of Hemingway’s short story set in another country? Hemingway's "In Another Country" story is set in Italy. This country has suffered many deaths and injuries during wars on multiple fronts. This proud country serves as the Objective Correlative to the figurative "another nation" in which the wounded soldiers are found.

What is the primary significance of a hospital setting in another country, other than the above?

In another country is set in Milan, Italy during autumn. This season is frosty, which is associated with death. It is common for the hospital to experience this type of weather.

What does the machine represent in another country?

The machinery in "In Another Country", to the major, represents man's dependence upon a machine that can fail him. He goes to the hospital every single day, but he doesn't believe that the machines can heal his broken hand.