Asked by: Fco Recatala
Asked in category: fine art, modern art
Last Updated: 6th May 2024

Who Painted Woman with a Parasol?

Claude Monet

So, where was Woman with a parasol painted?

A Parasol for a Woman
Artist Monet
Year 1875
Medium Oil on Canvas
Localization Washington, DC: National Gallery of Art

The question that follows is: Why did Monet paint Woman With a Parasol? Analyse and description of the artwork: Lady with a Parasol is one of Monet’s most famous figure paintings. It shows the accessory worn by the woman. Because most women use parasols to protect their eyes and skin when they are painting outdoors in real life, the parasol is often seen in Monet's work.

Also, when was Woman with Parasol painted?


What were the Impressionists trying to capture?

Impressionist artists did not attempt to portray a realistic image, but a 'impression' of how the object, person or landscape looked to them. This is why they are called impressionists. They wanted to capture and display the life and movement of what they saw, as if it were happening right in front of our eyes.