Asked by: Martinho Pontyushenko
Asked in category: style and fashion, skin care
Last Updated: 19th May 2024

Is it possible to use AHA and BHA together?

You can use AHA and BHA on your skin together, the simple answer being yes. Expert don't recommend using AHA as well BHA simultaneously . The majority of at-home chemical exfoliants have a sufficient amount of acid to effectively remove the dead skin from the top layer of your skin.

Also, is it possible to use AHA and salicylic acid together?

Both are drying and can cause skin irritation. AHAs and Salicylic Acid don't mix well because powerful ingredients are more interested in the spotlight and won't share the glory.

Also, is niacinamide safe to use after AHA BHA? You can apply the niacinamide product to a small section of your skin for a few days. Because niacinamide has a higher pH than other actives like AHA, BHA or vitamin C, it is recommended that you use it after these pH-dependent actives.

Similarly, you can't mix AHA and BHA.

Do not mix: Retinol and vitamin C, benzoylperoxide, or AHA/BHA acid. AHA and BHA acids can exfoliate, which can dry skin and increase irritation if you already use retinol in your skincare routine. Benzoyl peroxide is a stronger than retinol.

Reddit: Can you combine AHA and BHA?

BHA is oil-soluble so it goes on first, then AHA, then I moisturize after waiting. They are both acidic and work at the same pH. There are many BHA/ AHA combos. They can be used simultaneously.