Asked by: Wafae Zimbalist
Asked in category: home and garden, home appliances
Last Updated: 19th May 2024

How much does it cost to run refrigerator?

What is the cost of running a fridge? An average fridge of 400-500 litres will consume around 495kWh of electricity per year. This equates to about $163.35. Based on an energy consumption rate of 33c/kWh, this would be about $163.35.

This brings us to the question: How much does it cost to operate a refrigerator for a month?

Multiply your daily cost by 30, to calculate the monthly operating costs. A 300-watt unit costs $11.70 per month or $140.40 annually at the California average electricity cost. A refrigerator with a lower wattage rating is more efficient and therefore will consume less energy.

What is the cost of a refrigerator? A successful remodel will include the purchase of the right refrigerator. The top-mounted freezer model, which costs between $350 to $600, is generally the most affordable. Bottom-mounted freezer refrigerators can cost anywhere from $800 to $1200.

It is also asked: How much does it cost for a refrigerator to be repaired?

An old 20-year-old refrigerator would use 1,700 kWh per year of electricity, compared to 450 kWh for a new ENERGY STAR model. This represents an annual savings of $150 and a payback period of approximately 7-9 years at an electric cost of 12 cents perkWh.

Is a refrigerator consuming a lot of electricity

The average domestic fridge power consumption is between 100 to 250 watts. A fridge will use approximately 1 to 2 kWh per day. This means that a fridge will cost about $150 annually to run.