Asked by: Kia Kleinheinrich
Asked in category: medical health, brain and nervous system disorders
Last Updated: 19th May 2024

What is left-sided CVA?

A left hemispheric stroke is when blood can't flow to your left hemisphere (side). A hemorhagic stroke is a stroke that results from a ruptured or damaged blood vessel.

What is the effect of a left-sided stroke?

Left Brain: If strokes occur in the left brain, paralysis will result on the right side. Speech/language problems. Slow and cautious behavior style. Memory loss.

Also, do strokes affect the left or right side of your brain? One side of the brain is usually affected by stroke. The opposite of your brain controls movement and sensation. If your stroke affects the left side, your right side will be affected.

What side of your brain is more likely to suffer a stroke, other than the one mentioned above?

Left-sided stroke: Some problems that occur after stroke can be more common with stroke on the side. The brain's left side controls language comprehension and speech in most people.

What is the recovery time from a stroke left-side?

Most stroke victims recover quickly within the first three to six months. However, some stroke survivors are able to continue their recovery well into the second and third years after the stroke. Physical therapy may be indicated by some signs.