Asked by: Olguita Nielfa
Asked in category: science, physics
Last Updated: 19th May 2024

Can a body at rest have momentum?

Any object at rest has 0. Rest objects do not possess momentum. They do not possess any "mass-in-motion". In comparing momentum between two objects, both variables - velocity and mass - are crucial.

It is also important to understand the linear momentum of a resting body.

Zero is the linear momentum of a body that is at rest. Explanation: A body at rest will have zero velocity. Linear momentum is mass x velocity.

What are some examples for momentum? A bowling ball, which is large in mass and moves slowly (low velocity), can have the same momentum as an ordinary baseball that is thrown quickly (high velocity). Another example of a bullet where momentum is extremely-very high is due to its extraordinary velocity is

It is also important to understand if a body can have momentum but not possess energy.

Yes, energy can be stored in a body without it possessing momentum. An body might have potential energy but cannot be still at rest. It would therefore have zero momentum but it might still possess energy. E.g. E.g.

What is the body doing when it's at rest?

Rest in Physics is an object that is stationary relative to another object or frame of reference. A body is considered "at rest" when its position with respect to its surrounding objects does not change over time.