Asked by: Ligia Keetelaar
Asked in category: food and drink, barbecues and grilling
Last Updated: 2nd Jul 2024

When is it best to pick pole beans?

After flowering, pole beans can be harvested within one to two weeks. Harvest them once the pods have become firm, smooth, and crisp but before the seed has fully developed. However, be careful not to break the branches and stems that are brittle. Pole beans take longer to mature but they produce for many weeks.

It is also important to find out the best time to pick green beans.

Picking greens for salads and cooking is best done before 9 a.m., when the sun is at its eastern horizon. Harvest greens when they are still cool from the night. Pick your greens the day before you intend to eat them for best flavor.

How long does it take beans to be harvested? Time it Takes to Harvest Bush beans can harvest a bit faster than pole beans. They mature in between 50 and 55 days, while pole beans take between 50-60 days. Bean plants take on average two months to mature and produce beans. However, different cultivars can have different maturities.

So, can green beans grow back after being picked?

Beans will continue growing and flower. It takes a flower for a beans. They should not be pulled up after they have stopped flowering. Different varieties have different life expectancies.

Can you eat green beans that are too ripe?

This is when you shell the green bean and then cook the seeds. It's supposed to be a great way to use beans which are too hard to eat but not enough to store for soup later.