Asked by: Liguo Naud
Asked in category: technology and computing, web design and html
Last Updated: 30th Jun 2024

What's the purpose of _viewstart Cshtml

_Viewstart. cshtml can be used to place common UI logic throughout the Views within the folder. The Viewstart folder will have all the views. It will also render cshtml.

Another question is: What is ViewStart used in ASP NET MVC.

cshtml page is almost identical to MasterPage in ASP.NET Web Form, or as a layout template. ViewStart code is executed before the actual view code. By default, the _ViewStart Template is applied to all view files in this directory or any subdirectory under it.

Another question is: Can we have multiple ViewStarts in MVC? Multiple _ViewStarts can be added to an MVC application. cshtml files. The order these files execute depends on the location of the files within the folder hierarchy and the view being rendered. The MVC Runtime will execute the code first in the _ViewStart.

Similar, what is Cshtml's _layout?

cshtml. _ViewStart. cshtml are included by default in the Views folder. It creates the default page for all views within the folder and subfolders by using the Layout Property. Any Layout page can be assigned to the Layout property.

What is @RenderSection exactly?

RenderSection(String) In layout pages, renders the content of the section named name . RenderSection(String, Boolean) In layout pages, renders the content of the section named name .