Asked by: Iordanka Kehlhoffner
Asked in category: science, chemistry
Last Updated: 2nd Jul 2024

What does aluminum sulfate do soil?

HIYIELDA(r), ALUMINUM SULFATE creates an acid soil (corrects excessalkalinity), which is favorable for certain types of plants such as Azaleas and Rhododendrons.

How do you add aluminum sulfurate to soil?

Combine 1/4 cup of aluminum sulfur with 1 gallon water in a can to make a soil for a plant like a Hydrangea that requires a lower pH.

Is aluminum sulfate neutral or an acid base? Alum is hydrated aluminum sulfurate. This salt of sulfuric acid (a strong acids) and aluminum hydroxide, (a weak base), are the most common meanings. Alum can also be called papermakers' or filter-alum.

What plants can benefit from aluminum sulfate, then?

Aluminum Sulfate. This lowers soil pH for acid-loving plants. This is for plants such as azaleas and gardenias.

What is the difference in aluminum sulfate from ammonium sulfate

The soil acidifies with aluminum sulfate because it contains sulfate and not aluminum. Ammonium sulfate (NH4 + SO4) is sulfuric acid. The sulfate will make sulfuric acid. However, the NH4 (ammonium), will also break down to NO3 and release additional H+ into soil. This makes the soil acidic.