Asked by: Bonny Sauto
Asked in category: medical health, bone and joint conditions
Last Updated: 2nd Jul 2024

What is the ICD 10 code to diagnose senile osteoporosis

ICD-10 Code: M81. 0 is an Age-Related Osteoporosis with Current Pathological Fracture. ICD-Code M81. ICD-10 Code M81 is a billable ICD-10 number used to reimburse healthcare for Age-Related Osteoporosis.

You may also wonder, "What ICD 10 codes covers DEXA scan?"

ICD-10 CM Code Z79. 83 should be reported for DXA testing while taking medicines for osteoporosis/osteopenia. ICD-10 CM codeZ09 should be reported if an individual has completed osteoporosis drug therapy and is being closely monitored for any changes.

What is osteoporosis? Osteoporosis (or porous bone) is a condition that causes low bone mass and structural degeneration of bone tissue. This leads to bone fragility, increased risk of hip fractures, spine fractures, and wrist fractures. Osteoporosis can affect both men and women. It is treatable.

So, what is the CPT Code for Osteoporosis?

ICD-9-CM code 733.90 should not be reported as osteopenia (only when billing 77080–DXA), if used in conjunction with FDA approved osteoporosis medication. CPT codes 77081, 77081 and 76977 may be reported only if they are used to screen for osteoporosis.

What causes a pathological fracture?

Pathologic fractures are broken bones that have been caused by disease or injury. Your bones may be weaker due to certain conditions, making them more susceptible to breaking. A weak bone can be fractured by everyday activities, like coughing, walking out of a car or bending down.