Asked by: Susanne Maine
Asked in category: news and politics, law
Last Updated: 2nd Jul 2024

Quizlet: What was the Fairness Doctrine?

Fairness dictated that broadcast media had to provide equal coverage of all candidates and offer a range of ideologies, opinions and stories. According to the equal time provision, news outlets had to provide equal coverage of all candidates.

What did the Fairness Doctrine entail?

In 1949, the fairness doctrine of was introduced by the United States Federal Communications Commission. It required broadcast license holders to present controversial topics of public importance to the public and to do it in a way that was fair, equitable, balanced, and honest to the FCC.

What is the status of the Fairness Doctrine Quizlet? The doctrine required broadcasters to inform their audiences about controversial topics of public importance within their license areas, and to present opposing viewpoints on the issues in their overall programming. It has been canceled.

What is the Fairness Doctrine Quizlet?

Fairness Doctrine. Broadcasters were required to spend some time discussing controversial issues of public importance. Broadcasters were required to broadcast opposing views on these matters. Although opposing views were allowed to air at equal time, the doctrine required that opposing viewpoints be shown.

What was the purpose and effect of equal time provisions?

The equal time rule states that opposing candidates must have an equal opportunity on U.S. television and radio broadcast stations.