Asked by: Argelina Oppenhauser
Asked in category: style and fashion, natural and organic beauty
Last Updated: 2nd Jul 2024

Can chamomile grow in pots?

As long as there is a drainage hole, Chamomile can grow happily in any container. It is important to drain your chamomile pots as they, like other herbs, can rot in soggy soil. Cover the seeds with soil. Chamomile needs light to germinate in a pot.

So where is the best place to grow chamomile?

Chamomile can be grown in spring from seeds or plants. It is easier to grow chamomile herbs in your garden using plants or divisions rather than seeds. However, growing chamomile seed is also possible. Chamomile thrives in cool conditions. It should be planted in partial shade but can also grow in full sun.

What about chamomile? I have never had any problems with transplanting chamomile seedlings. When they are 2 - 3 inches tall (5 - 8 cm), it's the best time to plant chamomile seedslings. The plant will be fully focused on flowering once it gets taller.

Keep this in mind, what type of soil does chamomile require?

Soil. Chamomile flowers best when it is grown in full sunlight and not too much organic soil. Although it can survive in less fertile soils, its stems will fail more often. Chamomile doesn't care about soil pH. It prefers a neutral range between 5.6 to 7.5.

Is chamomile a perennial flower?

Roman chamomile grows from the same root every year and is therefore a perennial. German Chamomile can be grown every year, but it is not an annual. It self-sows naturally and you can bet that if you plant it once, it will continue to grow in your garden.