Asked by: Maynard Walls
Asked in category: news and politics, war and conflicts
Last Updated: 4th May 2024

What was the structure of the Sudanic States?

How were the Sudanic States organized? The main Sudanic States were Mali and Songhai (or Songhay). They were governed by a patriarch, council of elders or a lineage. Rulers were sacred and kept apart from their subjects through elaborate rituals.

This being said, what were the Sudanic States?

The Sudanic Empires of Western Africa, a group consisting of powerful states, were established south of the SAHARA DERT in the A.D 700s to 1500s. MALI, GHANA and Songhai were the most prominent of these state. The entire stretch of land south from the desert was called Bilad al-sudan by the Arabs (the land of blacksa).

Also, find out why the Sudanic States developed in the Sahel. What were the advantages of the Sudanic states forming in the Sahel? The Sahel had more agriculture, trade and permanent civilization because it was fertile. Many colonies were established along the trade route to transport gold from Africa into the Arabic world.

Similarly, what is the cause of the decline in the Sudanic kingdoms'?

Politics and misguided power were the main causes of the fall of Sudanic Kingdoms. The Sanhadja Confederation and the Almoravid Empire were both weakened by internecine warfare (relating to slaughter or carnage); bloody. Both died after being invaded again by the Almohad Empire and the Ghana Empire.

What are the common elements of African societies, according to the authors?

Language and belief were important elements of African societies. Many languages were based on Animism and Bantu, which are beliefs that natural forces can be portrayed as gods, and that all things have a soul or spirit.