Asked by: Yesmina Rediker
Asked in category: healthy living, weight loss
Last Updated: 18th May 2024

Is honey safe to eat on a low-carb diet?

SUMMARY Sugar, honey, maple syrup and other sugary forms should be avoided if you are on a low carb diet. They are high in carbohydrates but low in nutrients.

This begs the question: Can I eat honey while on a ketogenic diet?

Honey: Honey is a healthier choice than refined sugar because it contains antioxidants. It is still high in calories, carbs, and may not suit a keto diet (26 ). It's high in fructose which can lead to poor blood sugar control ( 27 and 28 ).

What can I eat when I have a low-carb diet? Low-carb food includes:

  1. Lean meats such as sirloin and chicken breast or pork.
  2. fish.
  3. eggs.
  4. leafy green vegetables.
  5. Broccoli and cauliflower
  6. Nuts and seeds, including nut butter.
  7. Oils such as coconut oil and olive oil are all good options.
  8. Some fruits, like blueberries, strawberries, and apples.

What is a low-carb honey substitute?

Nature's Hollow honey substitute is delicious and low in carbs. It is all-natural and contains only 25 calories per cup. Our product contains Xylitol, a natural sweetener that tastes great and is safe for people who are concerned about their sugar intake.

What beans are low in carbs?

These are the best low-carb beans alternatives:

  • Lima beans. Lima beans are keto-friendly because they contain only 10g carbs per 50g. Most of these carbs are fiber.
  • Black soybeans. Black soybeans are a favorite of Ketoers because they contain only 12g per 100g.