Asked by: Nebojsa Rolo
Asked in category: real estate, real estate buying and selling
Last Updated: 18th May 2024

Are real estate leads really worth the investment?

Inbox Real Estate leads are the best for new agents with a tight budget. Although it can be more competitive than standard lead generation models, it is worth the extra cost for many agents who need it.

Another question is: Does buying real estate leads work or not?

The best thing about buying real estate leads, is that you can find clients interested on a consistent basis. An agent will have a lot of leads to convert to clients if they generate leads online with referrals.

You might also wonder, "Who has the best real-estate leads?" We' have done a deep dive on the top five lead generation businesses; take a look at the below and let us guide you in choosing the best option.

Our Top Real Estate Lead Generation Companies For 2020.

Company Prices starting at Best for
Zillow Premier Agent $250 per month High volume mostly buyer leads

What is the value of a real estate lead?

Cost per Zillow Premier Agent Lead

How do you get the best real estate leads?

How to get leads in real estate

  1. Partner with other local businesses to build partnerships. To form mutually-beneficial partnerships, network with other local businesses.
  2. Host a housewarming celebration
  3. Be a regular at your favorite restaurant.
  4. Send a handwritten message.
  5. Advertise.
  6. Create your website.
  7. Develop a niche.
  8. Use aComing Soona signs.