Asked by: Malinka Schurmann
Asked in category: medical health, lung and respiratory health
Last Updated: 18th May 2024

What is the CPT code for thoracentesis?


What is the CPT code to perform a thoracentesis with no imaging?


What is the CPT code to paracentesis in peritoneocentesis, and what are its implications? A(r) 49080 section: Peritoneocentesis or abdominal paracentesis - Deleted.

What is the CPT code to treat pleural effusion in this way?

Pleural drainage 32556/32557 can be found depending on the case. code 39010 will be considered. Please send us more information so we can provide you with a precise answer. We are grateful.

What is the procedure of a thoracentesis (or thoracentesis)?

Thoracentesis involves inserting a needle into the pleural space between your lungs and your chest wall. This procedure removes excess fluid (also known as a Pleural Effusion) from the pleural space in order to make breathing easier.