Asked by: Zhenyu Yraurgui
Asked in category: home and garden, interior decorating
Last Updated: 2nd Jul 2024

What was the original purpose of shutters?

Shutters for exterior use were initially designed to provide light control, privacy and protection from the elements. Functional shutters can be attached to tracks or mounted on the exterior of buildings. They can hinge at the top or on either side of windows.

This is why shutters were added to old houses.

They were used to provide security and privacy, protect furniture from the sun, and add insulation in winter weather. Louvered shutters let air flow through a room, keeping it cool during hot summer days.

Also, are Victorian homes equipped with shutters? Victorian houses Many shutters have been installed to Victorian-style buildings, especially bay windows. Shutters are a great solution for bay windows because they match the line of the window and don’t interfere with the space.

The shutters are also a common feature in European homes.

The traditional shutters protect against intruders, neighbours' eyes, and the sun. They date back to the days when windows were not available.

Why aren't there shutters in England

Window shutters are designed to protect windows from the elements, but they don't provide protection from hurricanes. They keep heat in winter, but curtains also work well. The UK's weather isn't so hot that curtains can easily rot.