Asked by: Debbra Sabio
Asked in category: home and garden, landscaping, home and garden, landscaping
Last Updated: 4th Jul 2024

How often should I treat my lawn?

Warm-season grasses should be fed during active growth periods. The fertilizer should be applied in three phases: the first in the spring when the grass begins to green, then in the spring and again in the summer.

Also, I was asked if my lawn can be fertilized every 2 weeks.

"Grass grows faster and requires more nutrients." You should fertilize the grass with an automatic sprinkler system every six week. You can wait two more weeks without a sprinkler system before you fertilize again.

Are lawn services worth the cost? The truth is that lawn care can be more costly if you make costly mistakes and then have to pay for them to be fixed. Lawn care costs may be slightly higher than you would expect but it is well worth the value beyond dollars and cents.

This is a question that can be asked: Can you fertilize your lawn too often?

Your lawn may be damaged, but it is not irreversible. You can damage or kill your lawn with fertilizer. Also known as fertilizer burn.

How often do you have to spray for weeds in your yard?

Resolva and Weedol, (Verdone), are recommended weed killers. However, if you use each one once, you can do two full lawn treatments in one year.