Asked by: Misael Heinikel
Asked in category: technology and computing, databases
Last Updated: 4th Jul 2024

What version of MySQL do I have?

The Shell of the MySQL
To determine the version of MySQL server, a command client utility like mysql can be used. You can also use other commands and statements to show the version . The SELECT VERSION() command will only display the MySQL version.

Afterwards, you might also wonder, "How do I determine MySQL version?"

  1. Use V Command to check MySQL Version. You can find out the MySQL version by using the command mysql-V
  2. How to find version number with mysql Command. MySQL command-line client allows you to edit input and create simple SQL shells.
  4. Statement on Select Version
  5. STATUS Command.

You may also wonder, "How do I find out what version of MariaDB am I running?" How do I check MariaDB version

  1. Log in to your MariaDB instance. In our case, we use the following command: mysql-u root –p
  2. Logging in will allow you to see your version of the welcome text and highlighted in the screen-grab.
  3. You can also use the following command to view your version: SELECT VARIATION()

What version of MySQL do you have for workbench?

MySQL Workbench can also be used to verify the MySQL version number. To view the status of your server (including version), once you have connected using MySQL Workbench click on Server from the main menu, then "Server Status".

How do I downgrade MySQL version?

To perform a logical downgrade:

  1. Refer to Section 2.19 for the details.
  2. Dump all databases.
  3. Stop using a newer MySQL server.
  4. Use an empty directory to initialize the older MySQL instance.
  5. Start an older MySQL server.
  6. Load the dump file to the older MySQL server
  7. Run mysql_upgrade.