Asked by: Kittie Capaondo
Asked in category: travel, polar travel
Last Updated: 4th Jul 2024

What are the number of marginal seas?

From the north to south, there are four large marginal waters: sea of Okhotsk (see below), sea of Japan (ECS), East China Sea, East China Sea, and South China Sea. (Figure 2.1A). These seas account for approximately 2% and 0.5% respectively of the global ocean's surface and volume.

What are marginal seas?

An marginal ocean is an area of the ocean that has been partially enclosed by archipelagos or islands. It may also be bounded by sub-sea ridges on its seafloor.

You might also wonder, "How many seas is there?" Seven Seas

Also, learn about the 5 oceans and 7 seas.

The Seven Seas are the Arctic, North Atlantic and South Atlantic, North Pacifics, South Atlantics, North Pacifics, South Pacifics, South Pacifics, Indians, and Southern Oceans. Although it is not known where exactly the term Seven Seas originated, there are references in ancient literature to the topic that date back thousands years.

Are there 5 or 4 Oceans?

There were four ocean basins named historically: the Atlantic (Pacific), Indian (Arctic), and Arctic. The United States is the only country that recognizes the Southern (Antarctic), as the fifth sea basin. The most well-known are the Indian, Atlantic, Pacific and Atlantic.