Asked by: Sharan Newmark
Asked in category: food and drink, food allergies, food and drink, food allergies
Last Updated: 6th May 2024

What season does lettuce grow in?

Lettuce, a cool-season crop, can be grown in both spring and autumn in most areas. Lettuce seedlings can even withstand light frost.

Keep this in mind, can you grow lettuce year-round?

Butterhead lettuce / Lactuca Sativa "All Year Round" This variety can be sown and grown at any time of year. As such, you can pick your lettuces approximately 10 weeks after sowing. Butterhead-type heads are dense, crisp, and have creamy-yellow hearts. They also have a great flavour.

What temperature does lettuce grow? Lettuce can grow in cool conditions, with optimal temperatures of 60 to 65F. The plants can flower and produce seeds at 70 to 80AdegF. Lettuce can withstand temperatures between 80 and 85F for a few days, provided the nights are cool.

Keep this in mind, how long does it take for lettuce to grow?

45 to 55 Days

Where can you find the best lettuce?

The shade can be removed once the days get cooler to allow for plenty of sunlight for young lettuce plants. Lettuce thrives in moist, well-drained soil. Adding organic materials such as compost or manure to your soil will improve drainage and provide essential nutrients.