Asked by: Kailash Agena
Asked in category: food and drink, non alcoholic beverages
Last Updated: 2nd Jul 2024

What place should a liquor cabinet go?

It is possible to keep an alcohol-cabinet in a smaller corner of the kitchen. An bar cabinet that is tall and slim can be placed in a corner to act as an additional storage. An icemaker is also a good option for a wine cabinet in your living room.

Where should I store my alcohol in this case?

Keep liquor at room temperature. Hard liquor, like white wines and champagne should be kept at room temperature. Although it is fine to chill your gin and tequila in the fridge before you consume it, the cold temperature will not extend the alcohol's shelf-life.

You should also know that liquor bottles can be stored on their sides. Although the rules regarding liquor are not as clear, it is best to store it upright. (Taming Your Liquor Cabinet). It is stored in this manner at the factory and shipped and displayed accordingly. Many "fancy" bottles won't sit correctly on their sides.

How do I organize my liquor cabinets?

How To Organize Your Liquor Cabinet

  1. Take out all bottles from the cabinet.
  2. Make an alcohol inventory with a pen and paper.
  3. Once you have completed the inventory, attach it to the interior of your liquor cabinet.
  4. Place the bottles back into the cabinet, keeping them in their respective categories.

Is it possible to store liquor in the refrigerator?

Hard liquor doesn't need to be refrigerated or frozen, regardless of whether it has been opened or sealed. Hard liquors such as vodka, rum and whiskey, along with most liqueurs like Campari, St. Germain and Cointreau, can be stored at room temperature. Bitters, however, are safe to store.