Asked by: Iscle Gion
Asked in category: medical health, substance abuse
Last Updated: 5th May 2024

What kind of drug is gear?

Heroin (scag smack, gear). Heroin is one of many drugs known as opiates. It's derived from the opium poppy. It is usually a white or brown powder.

People often ask what gear slang means.

In drug parlance, 'Gear' was used to refer to heroin. However, the term 'gear’ has been used for illicit or illegal goods such as stolen property and pirated media. Heroin.

What are the four types of drugs, other than those mentioned? These include stimulants, depressants. hallucinogens. dissociatives. Opioids, inhalants.

What are Point drugs, then?

A point, which is about a tenth a gram of ice, can be purchased for A$40. One point is sufficient for one person, but it may last several days depending on how pure the drug is and the tolerance of the individual using it.

What are the drugs of Class A?

Drug classifications

Classes Drug
A Cocaine, crack cocaine, heroin, LSD (MDMA), cocaine, ecstasy, LSD (heroin, LSD), magic mushrooms, methadone and methamphetamines (crystal meth).
B Barbiturates, mephedrone, methamphetamines and cannabis, codeine (Ritalin), methylphenidate, methylphenidate, synthetic cannabinoids, synthesized cathinones (e.g. mephedrone, methoxetamine), ketamine