Asked by: Stanislava Earle
Asked in category: hobbies and interests, jewelry making
Last Updated: 18th May 2024

Is El programa masculine or feminine?

El problema refers to masculinity: Men are the cause of problems. La soluciA3n means feminine: They are solved by women!

Likewise, people ask, is it un problema or una problema?

Un problema is an exception to rule that masculine and feminine nouns end with -a. El agua is also an excellent time to mention, although it's pluralized as las aguas.

It is also why it is called un problema rather than una problem? Some words don't conform to the usual rule, like mano and dAa. Problem happens to be among a group of words derived form Greek that retained their Greek gender. The Spanish letters "a", and "o", as the last letter of a word, designate whether a word is feminine or masculine. "A" is feminine while "o" is masculine.

Consequently, is El lA!piz feminine or masculine?

Answer and explanation: LA!piz in Spansh is gendered masculine, so the definite is el and un is un.

What makes el mapa masculine

Amappaa, although a feminine noun is, was lexicalized in Spanish as a masculine Noun. Amappa mundia (maps of the world), is an abbreviation for that expression.