Asked by: Riad Orme
Asked in category: hobbies and interests, beadwork
Last Updated: 18th May 2024

How do you place a metal corner bead inside a door?

Corner Bead
Press lightly on the corner of your bead and square the legs against the walls. To secure the metallic strip, drive a few nails through its holes. Next, nail the metal to ensure a firm hold. When installing the bead, don't press too hard on it.

Herein, do you tape corner bead?

You can prevent cracks by taping the metal corner. You don't have to buy a special corner bead so you can avoid cracking. Instead, apply paper tape over the metal edges after you've attached the bead. The tape should be embedded just like would at any joint. Fill the corner as normal.

Is an inside corner bead required? The simple answer is that they cheat. They use a stiff material called corner beaming. This can be made from metal or plastic. The inside corners do not require the same protection so drywallers cover them using regular drywall tape. You can finish the inside corners and outside corners in the same way.

Many people also wonder what kind of corner bead they prefer.

  • Metal Corner Bead. Galvanized metal is the most popular and cost-effective corner bead.
  • Vinyl Corner Bead. Vinyl corner beads are a plastic version of metal that is more resistant to damage during transport.
  • Drywall J-bead and L-bead
  • Expanding Joints
  • Archway Corner Bead.
  • Bullnose Corner Bead.
  • Paper-faced Trim.

What type of nails should I use to make corner beads?

Place corner bead securely in place. Attach drywall nails or screws every 10-12 inches. Each fastener should be slightly dimpled. Apply a generous coat with drywall joint compound using a 4" to 6" drywall knife.