Asked by: Selina Moital
Asked in category: news and politics, elections
Last Updated: 18th May 2024

What is the difference between a ballot and a proxy?

Proxy: A proxy can be a person authorized to vote for a member that isn't present at the meeting. Ballot: A ballot can be a written form that a member or their proxy uses to cast a vote on any issue brought before the association members for consideration at meetings.

What is a proxy in a homeowners association?

A proxy is a document that authorizes another person to act for them. This is how homeowners or units can authorize others to represent them at a HOA meeting and vote for them.

What is a written vote? A write-in candidate, which is an individual whose name is not on the ballot but for whom voters can still vote by writing their name, is a candidate. Writing-in candidates are rarely successful. Sometimes, write-in votes can be cast for non-eligible persons or fictional characters.

What is the difference between a restricted proxy and a general proxy?

General proxy can be used to handle matters for which limited proxy are not necessary. A limited proxy lists issues for which a proxy holder can cast a vote on behalf of a voting right, and instructs the proxy holder how to vote.

What happens if my proxy isn't voted?

There will not be any votes if you do not exercise your voting rights or you don’t give a proxy to vote on your behalf. In a sense, it's almost like "someone else gets them", where you have abstained from voting and given all the voting rights to others.